ExpoElectronica 2023 press-release

Exposition and Business Programme of ExpoElectronica 2023
From April 11 to April 13, 2023, the 25th Anniversary International Exhibition of Electronics ExpoElectronica will be held at the Crocus Expo IEC: components and technologies, materials and equipment, embedded systems and turnkey solutions.
Today, the issues of development of the electronic industry are key for the global market, electronics is a cross-cutting industry that is widely used in all industries.
The ExpoElectronica exhibition provides a unique opportunity for companies and experts involved in the design, manufacture and supply of electronic products in Russia, as well as consumers of electronic systems and solutions, to gather on one platform to discuss topical issues and build mutually beneficial relationships.
ExpoElectronica 2023 exposition:
The exhibition consists of three sections and presents the entire production chain from the manufacture of components to the development and assembly of final electronic systems.
Exhibition Sections:
- Electronic components, modules and subsystems
- Technologies, equipment and materials for electronic manufacturing
- Turnkey solutions and embedded systems
The ExpoElectronica brand combines categories previously traditionally presented within ExpoElectronica and ElectronTechExpo, as well as a new section "Embedded Systems and Turnkey Solutions", which will present industrial and special-purpose computing equipment, video surveillance systems, automated workstations and computing systems for mobile applications, high reliability embedded and fanless systems, laptops, all-in-ones, touch hardware, software and more.
Today, Russian robotics is a high-tech, complex and dynamically developing industry. And within the framework of the new section, in a strategic partnership with the Consortium of Robotics and Intelligent Control Systems, a special exposition of robotic solutions and developments will also be organised, the debut of Russian robotics for various fields of application will take place.
We set ourselves the goal of raising the level of awareness of market participants about domestic solutions and developments, as well as consolidating the electronics industry at the ExpoElectronica exhibition to exchange experience, develop local and international cooperation, demonstrate finished solutions and electronic systems, and strengthen Russia's technological sovereignty.
The exhibition will be attended by 446 companies from Russia, Belarus, China, Armenia, UAE, Singapore, Serbia, as well as from more than 30 subjects of the Russian Federation.
Among the key representatives of the industry, leading developers and manufacturers will take part: Element JSC, Zelenograd Nanotechnology Center JSC, ELVIS Scientific and Production Center JSC, OKB MEL JSC, DESIGN CENTER SOYUZ JSC, Microwave Electronics LLC, JSC VZPP-S, Voskhod JSC - Kaluga Radiotube Plant, Imotek LLC, MicroEM JSC, MicroEM Technologies LLC, Atlant Plant PJSC, Kopir Plant JSC, Elecon Plant JSC, JSC "Electroconnector" JSC "Karachevsk plant "Elektrodetal", JSC "ROSELECTRONIKA" and many others.
Key distribution companies: Zolotoy Shar, I-C Contract LLC, Radiant-EK JSC, Tellur Electronics LLC, Symmetron EK LLC, PT-Elektronik LLC, RU LLC Electronics, SibElCom-Logistic LLC, R&C Alliance Electronics, Promtechpostavka LLC
The technology sector will be represented by leading distributors and manufacturers: Ostek, Dipol Group, Sovtest ATE LLC, Global Engineering LLC, Avantekh LLC, SPbC ELMA LLC, EST-SMT LLC, NPP JSC ESTO", TechnoPrist LLC, LIV LLC, PLANAR LLC, FORM LLC and many others.
This year, 80 companies will present their products at the exhibition for the first time. Companies such as TASP LLC, MTech LLC, Technopolis Moscow SEZ JSC, Laser Components LLC, Monocrystal LLC, NM-Tech LLC and many others.
A wide exposition from the friendly China will be presented at the exhibition, representatives of 118 companies are ready to meet with Russian customers at the site.
Electronica Award:
The purpose of the Award is to celebrate the achievements of Russian companies in the field of electronics. For nominees, participation in the award is an additional promotion tool and an opportunity to receive high-quality feedback from the professional community, colleagues and consumers of products.
This year 18 nominees in 8 categories are taking part in the Electronica Award:
PASSION, MMP-Irbis LLC, Energokabel Plant JSC, Radiocomp LLC, OPTIMUM Company, NPO GKMP LLC, Solidus LLC (in two nominations), Ostek-Integra LLC, OPTIMAUNIT LLC, NPP Digital Solutions JSC, Dolomant Company, DS-Robotics LLC, CHINA COMPONENTS (PT Electronics), Sinno Electronics Co Ltd, School of Digital Circuit Synthesis, INELSO LLC, Scanform LLC .
The winners are traditionally determined by an expert jury and user online voting. The results will be announced on April 13 at 13:30 at the awards ceremony in the Main Arena.
The developments of the nominees will be demonstrated as part of a showcase, which is located in the visitors' recreation area, next to the main hall of the business program (Main Arena).
NIIET company is the Industry Partner of the Electronica Award.
Business programme:
This year, the main events of the exhibition will be held at two venues: the Main Arena and the Robo Arena. The partner of the Robo Arena is the Consortium of Robotics and Intelligent Control Systems. As part of the three-day program, more than 20 industry events will be held with the participation of 100+ speakers: representatives of state and public organisations, heads of leading companies.
On April 11, the Main Arena will be opened by the plenary session "Actual issues of the development of the electronic industry in the Russian Federation". The speakers will review the current state of Russian electronics, the challenges and problems of the industry against the backdrop of the current situation in the world, and also offer solutions. Within the framework of the session, Arseniy Valeryevich Brykin, General Director of the Basis Consortium Association, will make a welcoming speech.
On April 11 at 13:30, the Robo Arena will host the Strategic Session "Robotics in Russia: the path of development". Representatives of government organizations will discuss the development of the robotics industry and its current state.
On April 12, at 12:45 pm, the Expert session "International cooperation in the electronics industry" will be held in the Main Arena with the support of the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry and LLC PO EcoTechProm. From 15:00, participants of the Microelectronics accelerator of the Skolkovo Foundation will present projects of future technologies for electronics.
On April 12, the Robo Arena will host presentation sessions on components and technologies in robotics and robotization solutions for various industries with the participation of leading companies. The final event will be a scientific and technical seminar "Products of JSC "NIIMA" Progress "in space, on land and under water."
On April 13, a discussion battle will traditionally take place in the Main Arena. This year, the participants will discuss the topics of profitable production of electronics and REP labeling. The moderator of the discussion battle is the popularizer of Russian technology and blogger Maxim Gorshenin.
At 12:45, for the first time at the ExpoElectronica exhibition, the Robotics Olympiad for students will be held at the Robo Arena, where participants will be able to show themselves and put their knowledge into practice.
Exhibition Sponsors:
Ru Electronics - Registration Area Sponsor
Elekate – Visitor’s Rest Area Sponsor
Technoprist – Visitor’s Ribbons and Badges Sponsor
SINNO ELECTRONICS – Online Registration Sponsor
SINNO ELECTRONICS - Exhibition Guide Sponsor
R&C Alliance - Entrance Group Sponsor
IPK "Electron-Mash" - Sponsor of the Business Programme
Official support:
the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation
the Federation Council Committee on Economic Policy
the State Duma Committee on Industry and Trade
the State Duma Committee on Economic Policy
the Government of Moscow
We will be glad to see you at ExpoElectronica 2023, April 11-13, Crocus Expo, Pavilion 3, Hall 15!