IT- and digital solutions section is a new stage in the development of the ExpoElectronica

Get acquainted with the latest achievements in the field of information technology and digital solutions while visiting the main exposition of the ExpoElectronica
We present the section "IT- and digital solutions". The exposition of information technologies and solutions for digital transformation is a new stage in the development of the ExpoElectronica exhibition.
Main focus of ITECH x RU is development and provision of business solutions. The purpose of this exhibition is to present the most advanced electronics, software and software packages, innovative developments that are changing the world around us. Companies specializing in smart devices, automation, artificial intelligence, Internet of Things solutions, smart cities and other technologies are exhibited here. We invite you to plunge into the world of the future and learn about the latest trends that define our society.
If your company is looking for solutions for automation and digitalization of its business, Russian import-substituting solutions, we invite you to visit the exhibition.